Your Global Domain Name Provider

Establishing your identity in a permissionless and censorship-resistant way using Solana. We give the power back to our users

The Ecosystem

We are the home of the Solana Name Service as well as a variety of widely used products and repositories that allow the wider ecosystem to flourish

Claim your ID and chat the Web3 way

Solana Name Service

Create a human-readable identity by replacing decentralized addresses with a domain name of your choice

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Experience the potential of SNS on Solana

Wallet Guide

A step-by-step guide to help wallet providers integrate .sol domain names and Twitter handles as a way to use them to send and receive funds instead of a public key

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The SNS SDK provides easy access to the Solana Name Service (SNS) for developers, enabling them to interact with and manage domain names on Solana

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SNS Guide

The definitive guide to the Solana Name Service

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$FIDA Token

Listed on top exchanges


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