Build with us

Integrate and use our popular repositories to guide your building experience

General SNS Guide

The cheat sheet to integrate the Solana Name Service. A manual that describes everything from the basics to the complexities of domains.

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Build On Solana

A beginner-friendly guide to systematically writing Solana programs. Learn the Bonfida style to faster coding with no sacrifice to security.

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The SNS SDK provides easy access to the Solana Name Service (SNS) for developers, enabling them to interact with and manage domain names on Solana

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Bonfida Utils

A collection of utilities containing a suite of safety check functions used to build smart contracts and auto-generate instructions

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SNS Optics API

SNS Optics API allows developers to fetch historical information about domain names through a user-friendly REST API, making it more accessible and easy to use.

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Wallet Integration

A step-by-step guide to help wallet providers integrate .sol domain names and Twitter handles as a way to use them to send and receive funds instead of a public key

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