Tune in with SNS

Sep 6, 24

2min read

Monday2Monday statistics

Names and surnames were taking over last week and it has been a while since we have seen them on top. A valuable trend.

Number Art backgrounds are here

Spice your .sol digit domains up with beautiful backgrounds provided by the Number Art team. Minting is live with a total supply of 2700 backgrounds, so get yours while it’s lasts! And if you wonder how to mint one, check our quick tutorial here.

The Kitchen podcast launch

We promised and we delivered - the first episode of the brand new The Kitchen podcast is now available. Join us for a fun and educational listen about the most trending projects on Solana.

Why "The Kitchen"? Although we might not all be chefs, there is always something cooking on Solana. So last week our first guest was Chris from Dialect, where we learned more about his journey from a PhD in Physics to his start-up ventures. Watch this pod to learn more about his experience and insights about the current state of the crypto industry.

We Build Wednesday is back

SNS development team is always busy cooking the best experience for our users. This time, they broke the way sns.id notification system works down to every architecture aspect.

Catch us @ Solar Singapore Launch party

We're excited to partner with key players in our ecosystem to host the Solana Launch party in Singapore during Breakpoint. Check info about the event here. Looking forward to meeting you there!

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